The auditor´s use the IDEA Software which recognizes following data format´s when the structure information´s exist in a evaluation able form:
-ASCII exact length
-ASCII delimited (incl. comma separated values)
-EBCDIC data with exact length
-EBCDIC data with variable length
-Excel, Access, dBase, Lotus 123
-ASCII print data with information´s for data element´s and structure
-Data from SAP/AIS
Also a conversion from AS/400- data description in RDE- data description is possible (FDF data which have been generated from PC-Support/400) and a further import through an ODBC-interface. If there are information´s in deviant data format´s in this software, you need to convert them.
Based on the in practice gained experience till today, we actual extend our portfolio with more capability characteristics to provide higher security and accurate availability. The necessary data will be collected in central (FilialManagement) and/ or peripheral (POSMAN cash systems) in security container´s. on demand of the scrutinizing taxation authority you can produce “one” IDEA data for the requested period- we select just the needed information for the auditor. These IDEA data can be generated for single POSMAN cash systems, cash or branch groups or for all in these compound running POSMAN cash systems. Just transfer the data which have been requested and don´t offer any clearance for further examination.
Aditional file format:
ASCII printfiles with informations on file elementes and structure