XWindow is the approved window operating system in Unix-environment for 20years. It allows hardware and usage-independent operating use from Unix resources in heterogeneous networks. XWindow is a graphic –window- architecture which is different to the Microsoft-window operating system. It divides computer applications into graphic output, network transmission and the main application. Graphic output and applications do not have to run over the same computer, they just need to be connected in the popular TCP/IP- networks, instead. The calculating load for the X- application thereby distributed on two systems: the graphic output (User interface) is taken from the so- called X- server, the X-application as X- client on the program server. A X-server typically runs over a terminal or Desktop-PC. He allows connections to any X-clients and therefore any computer in the TCP/IP- network over the X-protocol.
It is defined as platform- and usage-independent operating system, portable and expandable protocol. It was specified and controlled from a multivendor- capability committee. XWindow is the standard for graphic output in the total UNIX- range (of course also LINUX). Furthermore X- server is available for all Desktop- operating systems like Windows, Apple MacOS etc